Write from the heart. Because if you want to create music that impacts people and means something to yourself and others, writing in an honest and clear way will be the best way to do that. It's better music, it helps people and people appreciate it when you make art that means something to you because it impacted you and it will impact them. 

Noah Sierota

(From Echosmith)

Jack Kaulfus

1. Write music that you love. When you perform it, the audience will be able to tell you love it, and that’s what why they’re there.

2. Learn cover songs that are outside your comfort zone

3. Save every song idea, lyric and chord progression you write, even if you don’t think you’ll ever need to see them again

Julia Ward

Three chords and the truth! Also, write down and record everything. Even if your first attempts are not up to your standards, you can always borrow from earlier stuff in your future attempts.

Bayley Stewart

Sit with your first draft if it's not coming quickly. Some of the best songs are songs that evolve in meaning to you and thus have the power to be an emotional outlet for a longer time.

It takes a while, and a lot of writing and rewriting. Its easier for me if I have guidelines like if I'm writing for someone else and they want a song to sound a certain way.

Charlie Dover

If you are stuck and can't think of a melody or something start with the rhythm and then put that to notes. That helps me a lot.

Angus Sewell McCann

Keep writing and keep sharing. That's the most important thing you can do.

Benjamin Weiner

Write about things you find irony in, metaphors are your friend. take your time.

Chloë Hancock

I'm honestly just a novice at songwriting too just because I write for fun and not take it seriously you know... So yea I am not sure if I can give any helpful tips but the one thing I'd say is go with whatever you feel like writing even if it sucks. I wrote about my break up and it sucked so bad but oh well it was my first song so I like it.


Write all your ideas down, even when they seem trivial, goofy, or irrelevant. When you're brainstorming, try not to "pre-judge" or shut down ideas prematurely. Collaborate with other people. Try to get as much diversity into your musical diet as possible. If you get stuck in a rut, trying writing something on a instrument that you have, like, zero proficiency in. Sometimes music or songs may come to you out of the blue, like a gift from the cosmos, and it would be awesome if it always worked that way, but it usually won't, so make some time to just sit down (at your instrument or with your journal or laptop or whatever) and just doodle. If you clear your mind and just start *creating*, then something will manifest itself.

Tyler Mabry

Keep writing. Always have something that you can write thoughts, poetry, prose...anything that pops into your head. I prefer paper and pencil, but even notes on your phone would work...never stop writing.

Samuel Griffin

Don't stop don't quit and remeber to write everthing down

Ian Chambers